
Thursday, June 9, 2011

On the Job Front: Daegu Montessori

On the job front, I received an email this morning from a lady who directs a Montessori school in Daegu, which is the closest city next to where my best friend lives. She grabbed my email through my best friend, who knows the lady from yoga. I'm really interested in the school because it is alternative education and I am in the midst of learning about the mainstream education system in Korea and the idea of working for a place that offers a counter culture is especially intriguing since one of the focal points of my adventure will be counter cultures and how and where they form within Korean culture.
I sent her a response email outlining my arrival and departure information. I've only planned to stay for six months, but I realize that most work contracts are going to be for a full year and I am flexible for that.
The downfall is that my boyfriend is slated to leave for the peace corps the summer of 2012, meaning there is this gap between March (when I'm supposed to return) and June (when he might be heading out). I'd like to come back in March and spend that time with him until he leaves, but if it means I will have to sacrifice a killer contract deal to do it, it might just not be possible.
Since I've already purchased my ticket to return to the US in March, I'm hoping that whoever my employer turns out to be, they are open to letting me take vacation time in March. That way I can at least spend a few weeks in the states before the boyfriend heads out to god-only-knows what part of the third world and I head back for another six months of living abroad.
That being said, I am also hoping things work out in Korea so that I can stay for a few more years. If I could stay and get settled and really experience living abroad, I could have time to plan my next move and the funds to execute it, whether it be grad school or travelling or starting my own business or whathaveyou.
The possibilities are virtually endless, really.
And since I'll be around some of the world's most progressive technology, I hope to gain some knowledge about desktop publishing, web and graphic design that can maybe make me more equipped to do my own thing in life and build my own little empire around the things that inspire me and could inspire others as well.

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